The first oil well in Canada was dug by hand (rather than drilled) in 1858 by James Miller Williams near his asphalt plant at Oil Springs, Ontario. Williams later went on to found the "The Canadian Oil Company". Petroleum production in Ontario expanded rapidly, and practically every significant producer became his own refiner. By 1864, 20 refineries were operating in Oil Springs and seven in Petrolia, Ontario.
The Canadian Post Office Department marked the centennial of the Canadian oil industry on September 10, 1958, with the release of a 5 cent commemorative stamp designed by Alan Pollock.

National Archives of Canada

National Archives of Canada

National Archives of Canada

National Archives of Canada

National Archives of Canada

National Archives of Canada

National Archives of Canada

National Archives of Canada

National Archives of Canada

National Archives of Canada

National Archives of Canada

National Archives of Canada
First Day Covers

Oil Springs, Ontario

From Ellen Fairclough, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration

Canadian Bank Note Co. to George Hees, Minister of Transport

UPU Surface Letter

Montreal to West Germany, December 9, 1958
6 cents UPU surface letter rate
Shortpaid 1 cent and taxed 10 centimes (gold) which was the minimum amount charged
German taxation : 14 pf (blue pencil)

Chapleau to Karl-Marx Stadt (now Chemnitz), September 10, 1958
6 cents UPU surface letter rate
Handstamp regarding the need to have the correct address
International Air Mail

St. John's to London, October 1, 1958
15 cents one-half air mail rate to Great Britain

Zurich to Saigon, September 29, 1958
25 cents one-half ounce air mail letter rate