Lacrosse has its origins in a tribal game played by all eastern Woodlands Indians and by some Plains Indians tribes in what is now Canada. In the mid-19th century, English speakers in Montréal, in particular a young dentist named William George Beers, became interested in the North American Indian pastime. Beers, a strong nationalist, went on to design a set of rules for the game, and replaced the deerskin ball with one of hard rubber. He became known as the father of modern lacrosse.
The Lacrosse stamp, designed by James E. Aldridge, was issued on June 3, 1968.

National Archives of Canada

National Archives of Canada

National Archives of Canada

National Archives of Canada

National Archives of Canada

National Archives of Canada

National Archives of Canada
Approved Model

National Archives of Canada
First Day Covers

H and E




Canada Post Office Publicity First Day Cover

Canada Post Office Replacement First Day Cover

David Pritchard

Domestic forward letter

Souris, P.E.I., to Ottawa July 9, 1968
5 cents forward letter rate + 40 cents special delivery fee
Mail to NATO Forces

Lawrenceville to CFPO 5056, Baden-Soellingen, Germany, July 3, 1968
5 cents surface letter rate

CFPO 5056 General Delivery receiver June 8, 1968International Surface Letter

Toronto to Prague, October 21,1968
10 cents UPU surface letter rate
Shortpaid 5 cents
Canadian Tax Fraction 10/10
International Air Mail

Scarborough to Bloemfontein, South Africa, July 12, 1968
25 cents air mail rate to South Africa