1949 - 1953
International Mail : Surface Rates
This post deals with international surface mail, excluding mail to the United States, during the George VI Wilding period, 1949 - 1953 :
1. Letter
a) Preferred Rate
b) UPU rate
2. Post Cards
3. Printed Matter
a) To April 1, 1952
b) From April 2, 1952
1. Letters
a) Preferred Letter Rate
A preferential surface letter rate applied to mail for Great Britain and all other places in the Commonwealth, France, Spain and North and South America. The letter rate was 4 cents for the first ounce and 2 cents for each additional ounce.

House of Assembly, Toronto to Edinburgh, December 7, 1949
4 cents letter rate to Great Britain

Toronto to East London, South Africa, October 29, 1951
4 cents letter rate to Commonwealth destination

Toronto to London, January 20, 1951
4 cents letter rate to Great Britain
Missent to London, Ontario
"TRY ENGLAND" instructional marking handstamp

Cordam Landing to Sliema, Malta, October 28, 1952
4 cents letter rate to Commonwealth destination

Perth to San Sebastian, Spain, July 15, 1952
4 cents letter rate to Spain

Brantford to Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 11, 1950
4 cents letter rate to South America

House of Commons, Ottawa to Nassau, Bahamas, October 27, 1951
4 cents letter rate to Commonwealth destination
Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent correspondence

Montreal to Bourg, France, December 3, 1951
4 cents letter rate to France
Shortpaid 1 cent and French charge 9 francs

b) U.P.U. letter rate
The U.P.U. letter rate was 5 cents for the first ounce and 3 cents for each additional ounce.

Toronto to Bois d'Haine, Belgium, September 21, 1950
5 cents U.P.U. letter rate

National Revenue Canada, St. Johns to Wolgan bei Hamburg, Germany, December 17, 1951
"G" overprint official stamps paying the 5 cents U.P.U. letter rate

Toronto to Hanover, Germany, February 24, 1953
5 cents U.P.U. letter rate
Shortpaid 1 cent
Canadian Tax : 6 centimes ( 1 cent = 3 gold centimes)
German charge : 9 pfennig

Canadian Tax
6 centimes

German charge
9 Pfennig

Toronto to Hanover, Germany, December 2, 1952
5 cents U.P.U. letter rate

Ayton to Berlin (U.S. Zone), June 21, 1951
5 cents U.P.U. letter rate

Toronto to Tel Aviv, Israel, October 17, 1951
5 cents U.P.U. letter rate

Mount Brydges to Vienna, Austria, December 7, 1950
5 cents U.P.U. letter rate
Austria censor handstamp

Rodney to Copenhagen, Denmark, February 14, 1951
5 cents U.P.U. letter rate

House of Commons, Ottawa to Athens, Greece, October 14, 1951
Official "O.H.M.S." overprint stamp paying the 5 cents U.P.U. letter rate
Correspondence from Member of Parliament Robert Knight

Toronto to Haadyai, Siam (Thailand), November 6, 1950
5 cents U.P.U. letter rate
Aklavik, NWT, to Copenhagen, April 2, 1951
5 cent UPU letter rate
Prior to living in Aklavik, Dr. Laurent-Christensen had spent over 20 years in Greenland.

Quebec to Copenhagen, Denmark, December 10, 1950
5 cents U.P.U. letter rate
Shortpaid 1 cent
Canadian Tax : 6 centimes ( 1 cent = 3 gold centimes)
Danish charge : 15 ore

Canada Tax Marking
6 gold centimes

Copenhagen postage due meter
December 18, 1950

Moose Jaw to Leipzig, (East) Germany, April 2, 1951
5 cents U.P.U. letter rate
Shortpaid 1 cent
Canadian Tax : 6 centimes ( 1 cent = 3 gold centimes)
German charge : 20 pfennig

Canadian Tax
6 gold centimes

German Tax
20 Pfennig

Thetford Mines to Amsterdam, Netherlands, March 7, 1950
5 cents U.P.U. letter rate
Shortpaid 1 cent
Canadian Tax : 6 centimes ( 1 cent = 3 gold centimes)
Dutch charge : 8 cents
2. Post Cards
The post card rate to all destinations was 3 cents.

Sarnia to Haarlem, August 30, 1951
3 cents post card rate

Haarlem Transorma ident CZ

Vancouver to Inverness, Scotland, June 2, 1952
3 cents post card rate

Welland to Kinghorn, Scotland, March 5, 1952
3 cents post card rate

Montreal to Aruba, September 3, 1951
3 cents post card rate
3. Printed Matter
a) To April 1, 1952
The printed matter rate to all destinations was 1 cent for each two ounces

Ottawa to Helsinki, undated machine cancellation (Helsinki receiver February 28, 1951)
1 cent printed matter rate

Helsinki receiver
February 28, 1951
Uprated wrapper to Tournai, Belgium
Received may 9, 1951
b) From April 2, 1952
The printed matter rate to all destinations was 2 cents for the first ounce and 1 cent for each additional ounce.

Toronto to Stockholm, December 6, 1951
2 cents printed matter rate

Toronto to Lahti, Finland, December 3, 1952
Christmas card mailed at the 2 cents printed matter rate

Enclosed Christmas card