The 1954 Wildlife Series issued April 1, 1954 , consisted of three stamps : 4 cent Walrus, 5 cent Beaver, and 15 cent Gannet. The 5 cent beaver was issued in sheet format as well as booklets. The 15 cent stamp became a much-needed definitive for this denomination.
Several domestic and international rate changes came into effect on April 1, 1954:
Local letter rate : 3 cents to 4 cents
Forward letter rate: 4 cents to 5 cents
Post Card Rate : 3 cents to 4 cents
United States
Surface letter rate : 4 cents to 5 cents
Surface post card rate : 3 cents to 4 cents
Preferred surface letter rate : 4 cents to 5 cents
UPU letter rate: 5 cents to 6 cents
Surface post card rate : 3 cents to 4 cents
Stamp Production
The stamps were designed by Toronto sculptor Emmanuel Hahn.
a) 4 cent Walrus
National Archives of Canada
Stamp designer Emmanuel Hahn used his plaster sculpture as a model for the 4 cent stamp.
National Archives of Canada
National Archives of Canada
National Archives of Canada
Engravers Progress Proofs

National Archives of Canada
National Archives of Canada
5 cent Beaver

National Archives of Canada
National Archives of Canada
National Archives of Canada
15 cent Gannet
Lawrence Hyde's design of the 15 cent stamp displays a gannet against a night sky that includes Polaris or the North Star.

National Archives of Canada
Approved Model

National Archives of Canada
First Day Covers


Toronto local letter, April 30, 1954
4 cents local letter rate (introduced April 1, 1954)
5 cent Beaver
First Day Covers


Enclosure in Artcraft FDC promoting WSYR (Syracuse) television


Domestic Forward Letter

North Bay to Toronto, April 1, 1954 (First day of issue)
First day of 5 cents forward letter rate
US Surface Letter

Winnipeg to Detroit, October 11, 1954
5 cents surface letter rate to the United States (Rate introduced April 1, 1954)
Booklet stamp
US Air Mail Letter

Swift Current to Tacoma, August 13, 1954
7 cents US air mail letter rate
UPU Surface Letter

Saskatoon to Brussels, Belgium, June 1 1954
6 cents UPU surface letter rate (Introduced April 1, 1954)
Shortpaid 1 cent and taxed 10 centimes (the minimum)
Belgian charge was 2 francs
15 cent Gannet (Definitive Stamp)
First Day Covers

Domestic Special Delivery

Winnipeg to Toronto, June 26, 1961
5 cents forward letter rate + 10 cents special delivery fee
International Air Mail

Charlottetown to Glasgow, Scotland, March 11, 1960
15 cents half-ounce air mail rate to Great Britain

Montreal to London, July 8, 1969
15 cents air mail (same as letter rate)
Montreal Barrel Cancel : Montreal P.Q. B & F-R

Military Mail : NATO forces in Europe

CFPO 105 Grostequin France to Toronto, October 16, 1956
15 cent air mail rate to Canada
Military Mail : UN Emergency Force
The United Nations Emergency Force was created in 1956 to enforce the armistice between Egypt and Israel. CFPO 32 was opened at Gaza on August 1957.

Gaza, CFPO 32 to Fort Bragg, North Carolina, September 28, 1957
15 cents air mail rate to the United States

CFPO 32 handstamp