a) Individually Addressed
To March 31, 1964

Sweetsburg to Granby, May 21 1963
2 cents printed matter rate

House of Commons to Vancouver, November 23, 1963

Niagara Falls to St. Catharines, May 9 1963

Winnipeg, January 1964
2 cent precancelled stamp paying the printed matter rate
Undeliverable third class matter was returned to the sender. The charge was equal to the original postage charged.

Printed matter return with charge marking

Returned and re-mailed
Returned: Calgary to a local address December 12, 1963, but should have been addressed by the sender to Victoria. Returned to the sender because there was not such address in Calgary. Postage due stamp on the back of the envelope paying the 2 cent return fee:

Re-mailed: The sender then correctly addressed the letter to Victoria and affixed two 1 cent Cameo booklet stamps which were then cancelled by a Calgary roller on December 30, 1963:

above printed matter franked with a 2 cent Cameo definitive stamp was
mailed from Simcoe to Hamilton on February 13, 1964. Since there was no
such Rural Route in Hamilton, the cover was returned to the sender and
charged 2 cents for this service.
The 2 cents return charge was paid with a 2 cent Cameo definitive stamp, postmarked Simcoe, February 15, 1964.
2 cents paying the return charge
Simcoe, February 15, 1964
From April 1, 1964
The printed matter rate for the first two ounces was increased from 2 cents to 3 cents on April 1, 1964.

Sweetsburg to Granby, October 5, 1964

Hamilton, March 30, 1966

Toronto. August 19, 1966

Montreal to Valois, December 13 1965
3 cent coil stamp paying the printed matter rate

Interior Provincial Exhibition Assn., Armstrong, February 16, 1966
3 cent coil paying the printed matter rate

St. Catharines, December 12, 1965
3 cent precancelled stamp paying the printed matter rate

Toronto to Scarborough, June 16, 1965
3 cent precancelled stamp paying the printed matter rate

Ottawa to Toronto, March 25 1965
3 cent mimeo rouletted card

Eaton's 1965 Summer Sale promotional card

Winnipeg, December 11, 1964
3 cent envelope

Eaton's card, Barrie October 3 1964
3 cent precancelled regular issue post card

Hamilton to West Flamboro, February 24, 1966
3 cent mimeo precancelled card
Karsh Re-Valued Postal Stationery

Toronto, November 3 1965

Federal election card from Liberal candidate Ian Grant Wahn

Kitchener Christmas Seal Card 1964
Undeliverable and returned, 3 cents due

Postage Paid in Cash

Printed matter from Toronto with official stamp printed on the card, January 1965


Toronto, August 18, 1964
Shortpaid 1 cent and taxed 2 cents
Third class matter was re-directed without additional charge.

St. Jerome to a member of the National Assembly (Quebec) but incorrectly addressed to Ottawa. Received at the House of Commons and re-directed to Quebec City , October 9, 1965, without additional charge

House of Commons, October 9 1965
Undeliverable and Returned

Cookshire to Riviere Portneuf, July 3 1964
Returned because the letter was unclaimed
Charged 3 cents, the amount of postage
Dues paid and stamps cancelled at Cookshire, July 24, 1964

Toronto to Calgary, March 17, 1964
3 cent precancelled coil paying the third class rate
Returned because the address was incomplete
Charged 3 cents

West Hill to Scarborough, June 8 1965
Addressee moved
Printed matter enclosed in the envelope:

Cloverdale, undated roller cancellation
5 cents paying the 6 ounce printed matter rate (triple weight)
Returned because "NOT A BOXHOLDER ON R.R. 4 CLOVERDALE, B.C."
Charged 5 cents (due cancelled January 1, 1967)

Undated printed matter, London
5 cent precancel paying the third class rate
8 ounces if before April 1, 1964, or 8 ounces if mailed after April 1, 1964
Charged 10 cents (probably for the return of two boxes)
Sealed and taxed as a letter

London, local correspondence, February 2, 1967
"Printed Matter" in manuscript
Taxed 22 cents
This was a 7 ounce item sealed and thus rated as a local letter.
Local Letter rate for 7 ounces
1st ounce.................................................4 cents
Next 6 ounces @ 2 cents/ounce.............12
Total.......................................................16 cents
Amount due
Amount prepaid.....................................5 cents
Amount shortpaid.................................11
Double the deficiency............................22 cents
b) Addressed to the Householder
To March 31, 1964
The rate was 1 1/2 cents for the first two ounces and 1 cent for each additional ounce.
(Not shown)
From April 1, 1964
The rate was 2 cents for the first two ounces and 1 cent for each additional ounce.

Matheson to Shillington, February 1965
2 cents pfer 2 ounce boxholder rate
$1.60 paying for 80 pieces of mail to be delivered at the General Delivery and Boxholders.