From the mid-twentieth century to this day, the Middle East and India-Pakistan conflicts have continued without abatement. During periods of imminent or actual armed conflict, civilian mail has been censored. This article looks at examples of Canadian outbound mail which has been censored by receiving nations.
Middle East Conflict

Toronto to Haifa, April 18, 1955
25 cents paying the air mail letter rate
The letter was opened by Israeli authorities. Presumably the contents of the letter required registration. Registration service was provided in Israel (Haifa registration label applied).
The addressee was required to pay a fee of 100 protos for the compulsory registration.

100 protots postage due stamp paying compulsory registration
Censorship tape used to seal the envelope as well as a red wax seal

Victoria to Ramat Gan, December 13, 1960
50 cents paying the 1 ounce (double weight) air mail rate

Censor tape to seal the envelope

Montreal to Alexandria, Egypt, May 7, 1970
25 cents air mail rate to Egypt

Censor tape to seal the envelope
India-Pakistan Conflict

Ottawa to Karachi, January 14, 1965
25 cents airmail rate + 35 cents registration fee (5 cents overpayment)


Pointe Claire to Karachi, December_ 1971
15 cents one ounce air mail rate
KR-196 censor handstamp

Opened by censor and sealed with brown tape

Opened by Censor