Thursday, March 27, 2014

Centennial Period Registration Fees

 Dozens of posts dealing with the Canadian Centennial definitive issue (1967 - 1973) have been published in the nearly four years Postal History Corner has been on-line. Many of the posts will be revamped. The original post dealing with Centennial period domestic registration 
fees was published on June 11, 2014.

There were three registration fee periods during the Centennial era:

1. To May 31, 1967
2. June 1, 1967 - September 30, 1970
3. From October 1, 1970

1. To May 31, 1967

The rates had been in effect since November 1, 1963. Covers shown in this section were registered for the minimum indemnity ( 35 cents for up to $25).

St. John's to Ottawa, May 13, 1967
5 cents forward letter rate + 35 cents registration fee

 Sudbury to Hamilton, May 17, 1967
5 cents forward letter rate + 35 cents registration fee

 Bracebridge to Toronto, April 11, 1967
5 cents forward letter + 35 cents registration fee
Acknowledgment of Receipt Card attached - fee on card was 10 cents (card removed)

The addressee was not present when the mail carrier attended on April 12, 1967 and April 13, 1967. A card advising the addressee that registered mail was at the post office was left by the postal carrier. The addressee did not pick up the letter. The Toronto Post Office applied a "NOT CALLED FOR" handstamp and returned the letter to the sender.

Cranbrook to Port Burwell, May 24, 1967
5 cents forward letter rate + 35 cents registration fee

 Cranbrook metter label paying the 35 cents registration fee

Corner Brook to Gooshen Corner, N.B., May 25, 1971
Pencil notation "10 silver dollars"
Probably 35 cents 11 oz. forward letter rate + 35 cents registration fee for 70 cents

Registered Local (Drop) Letters

 Hamilton local registered letter, February 10, 1967
4 cents local letter rate + 35 cents registration fee

 Toronto local registered letter, February 13, 1967
4 cents local letter rate + 35 cents registration fee

 Last day of 35 cents fee

Mimico Beach to Toronto, May 31, 1967 , last day of 35 cents minimum indemnity fee
4 cents local letter rate + 35 cents registration fee

2. June 1, 1967 - September 30, 1970

The minimum registration fee was increased to 50 cents for indemnity up to $50. Covers shown in this section were registered for the minimum indemnity.

 Parry Sound to Toronto, July 25, 1967
5 cents forward letter rate + 50 cents registration fee

 Montreal local letter, January 8, 1968
4 cents local letter rate + 50 cents registration fee

 Toronto to Malton, October 3, 1968
14 cents 4 oz. forward letter rate + 50 cents registration

Halifax to Truro, December 8, 1969

 4c x 16 = 56 cents
6 cents letter rate + 50 cents registration fee

 Mansfield to Guelph, April 7, 1979
6 cents letter rate + 50 cents registration fee

 Insufficiently Paid Registered Mail

Insufficiently paid registered items were forwarded and the amount shortpaid (single deficiency) was collected on delivery.

London to St. Hyacinthe, September 23 1970
56 cents : 6 cents postage + 50 cents registration fee
Meter only paying 50 cents of the 56 cents rate
Registration fee shortpaid 6 cents. Taxed 6 cents the amount shortpaid.
Dues cancelled at St. Hyacinthe, September 28, 1970

 3. From October 1, 1970

The only change in registration fees on October 1, 1970, was the introduction of $200 indemnity for a fee of $1.10.

 $50 indemity (50c fee)

The minimum fee and indemnity remained unchanged.

 Mississauga to Toronto, September 23, 1971
7 cents letter rate + 50 cents registration fee

 Eabamet Lake to Toronto, March 14, 1972
8 cents letter rate + 50 cents registration fee

 Trinity, Trinity Bay, to Moncton, June 1 ,1972
8 cents letter rate + 50 cents registration fee

 Chatham to Moncton, June 6, 1972
8 cents letter rate + 50 cents registration fee

Hamilton, Bartonville to Toronto, April 16, `973
8 cents letter rate + 50 cents registration fee

 Georgetown to Toronto, October 15, 1973
8 cents letter rate + 50 cents registration fee

 $200 Indemnity : $1.10 Registration Fee

Bancroft to Mississauga, December 9, 1972
20 cents letter rate (2-4 oz.) + $1.10 registration fee for $200 indemnity
Refused by addressee and returned to sender

 Chaffey's Locks to Toronto, August 1971
$1.17 paying 7 cents letter rate + $1.10 registration fee

Although the letter originated from Chaffey's Locks where the registration handstamp was applied, the stamps were pen cancelled. Elgin and Smith Falls transits, August 4, 1971, were applied to the back of the envelope.  Received at Toronto Terminal "A", August 5, 1971