1942-1945 War Period
International Rates and Fees
International rates and fees in effect prior to the release of the War Issue definitives in July, 1942, remained unchanged during the remaining war years with the exception of a few preferred rates to which were added a one cent War tax on April 1, 1943. This post deals with the following international rates and fees:
1. Letter
a) Preferred Rate
b) UPU rate
2. Post Cards
3. Printed Matter
4. Registration
5. Air Mail
1. Letters
a) Preferred Letter Rate
i) To March 31, 1943
A preferential surface letter rate applied to mail for Great Britain and all other places in the Commonwealth, Spain and North and South America. The letter rate was 3 cents for the first ounce and 2 cents for each additional ounce.

Toronto to Bolton, England, August 4, 1942
3 cents preferred letter rate to Great Britain

Toronto to London, November 23, 1942
9 cents paying the four ounce preferred rate to Great Britain
3 cents for the first ounce and 6 cents for the next 3 ounces (2 cents/ounce)

Kelowna to Claremorris, Eire, November 5, 1942
3 cents preferred rate to Eire

Montreal to North Gulong, Australia, May 18, 1942
3 cents Empire letter rate to Australia

Montreal to Buenos Aires, Argentina, January 12, 1943
3 cents preferred rate to South America
ii) From April 1, 1943
A 1 cent War Tax was added to the first weight step preferred letter rate. The preferred letter rate was 4 cents for the first ounce and 2 cents for each additional ounce.

Ottawa to Sandy Point, Newfoundland, October 5, 1943
4 cents letter rate to Newfoundland

Toronto to London, June 29, 1943
4 cents letter rate to Great Britain

Victoria to London, January 31, 1943
12 cents paying the 5 ounce letter rate

4 cents for the 1st ounce and 8 cents for the next 4 ounces (2 cents/ounce)

Renfrew to Dublin, Eire, March 27, 1944
4 cents letter rate to Eire

Saskatoon to Oudtshorne, South Africa, July 12, 1943
4 cents Empire rate to South Africa

Wyngard to Georgetown, British Guiana, April 18, 1944
4 cents Empire letter rate to British Guiana

Toronto to Mexico City, December 24, 1943
4 cents preferred rate to Mexico

Montreal to Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 18, 1943
4 cents preferred rate to South America

Montreal to Orleans, France, February 7, 1945
4 cents preferred letter rate to France
b) U.P.U. letter rate
The U.P.U. letter rate was 5 cents for the first ounce and 3 cents for each additional ounce.

New Westminster to Geneva, Switzerland, February 25, 1943
5 cents UPU letter rate

Sherbrooke to Binche, Belgium, May 12, 1945
5 cents UPU letter rate

Brantford to Zagreb, Yugoslavia, April 24, 1945
5 cents UPU letter rate
2. Post Cards
a) Empire Rate
i) to March 31, 1943
The Empire post card rate was 2 cents.

Toronto to London, December 21, 1942
2 cents post card rate
b) From April 1, 1943
On April 1, the Empire post card rate was increased to 3 cents with the addition of a 1 cent War Tax.

Montreal to London, September 5, 1943
3 cents post card rate

Kingston Military Post Office (MPO 314), Ont., to Salford, England, June 7, 1943
3 cents post card rate
b) UPU
The UPU post card rate was 3 cents. On April 1, 1943, the post card rate to all destinations was 3 cents.

St. Boniface to Brussels (March 23, 1945)
3 cents UPU post card rate
3. Printed Matter
The printed matter rate to all destinations was 1 cent for each two ounces.

Debert Military Post Office (MPO 603), Nova Scotia, to Stranraer, Scotland, November 23, 1943
1 cent printed matter rate

Vancouver to London, Englnad, November 23, 1943
1 cent printed matter rate
4. Registration
The registration fee was 10 cents.
Humber Summit, Ont., to Aberdeen, Scotland, November 16, 1944
4 cents preferred letter rate + 10 cents registration fee
Toronto to Dublin, Eire, February 17, 1944
4 cents preferred letter rate + 10 cents registration fee
4. Air Mail
The following air mail rates published in the 1944-1945 Postal Guide were in effect for most of the "War Issue" period:
(click on image to enlarge)
The air mail rate to Newfoundland was 7 cents for the first ounce.
Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Eire
a) Air Services in Canada Only
The rate for air service in Canada only was 6 cents per ounce until March 31, 1943. On April 1, 1943, a 1 cent War Tax was added to the first step air mail rate. The cover shown below was mailed during the 6 cent period.
Carberry Military Post Office (MPO 1007) Manitoba, to Shrewsbury, England, February 5, 1943
6 cents air service within Canada rate
b) Including trans-Atlantic Conveyance
The rate was thirty cents for each ounce.
Paulson Military Post Office (MPO 1005) Man., to Mancherster, England, April 8, 1944
30 cents for each half-ounce air mail rate including trans-Atlantic conveyance
Winnipeg to addressee c/o Royal Bank of Canada, London, October 13, 1942
90 cents triple weight step rate for 1 1/2 ounces
(Forwarded twice)
Montreal to Dublin, Eire, July 6, 1943
60 cents double weight step rate for 1 ounce
The rate to Europe by surface route to England then onward air conveyance was 10 cents for each ounce. The rate, including trans-Atlantic conveyance, was 30 cents for each ounce.
Vancouver to Geneva, Switzerland, June 29, 1943
30 cents for each half ounce rate to Europe
Montreal to Baden, Switzerland, December 6, 1943
60 cents double weight step for 1 ounce rate
The air mail rate for air transmission throughout was 40 cents for each half ounce.
Nanaimo to Palgard, Sweden, November 23, 1943
80 cents double weight step rate for 1 ounce
London O.A.T (Onward Air Transmission) handstamp.
West Indies and British Guiana, Mexico, Cuba, Central America
The rate was 10 cents for each quarter ounce.
Toronto to Kingston, Jamaica, May 9, 1944
10 cents air mail rate for each quarter ounce to the West Indies
Toronto to Nassau, Bahamas, January 9, 1943
20 cents double weight step for 1/2 ounce to the West Indies
Montreal to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, December 10, 1942
20 cents double weight step for 1/2 ounce
Fort William to Curacao, Dutch West Indies, February 4, 1943
20 cents double weight step for 1/2 ounce
Montreal to Georgetown, British Guiana, January 11, 1945
20 cents double weight step for 1/2 ounce to British Guiana
The rate to Bermuda was 15 cents for each 1/2 ounce.
Orangedale, N.S., to Spanish Point, Bermuda, May 12, 1943
15 cents rate to Bermuda (via FAM 17)
South America
(a) Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Netherlands Guiana, and French Guiana
The rate was 25 cents for each quarter ounce.
Georgetown to Parmaribo, Netherlands Guiana, September 18, 1943
25 cents for each quarter ounce rate to Netherlands Guiana
Dundurn Military Post Office (MPO 1201) Saskatchewan, to Maracaibo, Venezuela, March 19, 1943
25 cents for each quarter ounce rate to Venezuela (5 cents overpayment)
b) Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay
The rate was 35 cents each quarter ounce.
Vancouver to Gallao, Peru, August 9, 1943
35 cent for each quarter ounce rate to Peru
Montreal to Rio de Janiero, Brazil, October 27, 1943
70 cents double weight step for 1/2 ounce to Brazil
Vancouver to Buenos Aires, August 10, 1945
35 cents for each quarter ounce rate to Argentina
Frankford, Ont., to Rio de Janiero, May 22, 1944
35 cents for each quarter ounce air mail rate to Brazil + 10 cents registration fee
St. Catharines to Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2, 1944
Toronto and Niagara Falls RPO
35 cents for each quarter ounce rate to Argentina
South Atlantic Route (From December 1941)
In December 1941, Pan American Airways was awarded the South Atlantic air mail route (FAM 22) from Miami via Natal, Brazil to Bathurst, Gambia. Air Mail service from Canada over the South Atlantic Route was introduced in early 1942 to African, Middle East and Asian destinations.
There were several rates in effect (for each 1/2 ounce):
a) 65 cent Rate
This rate was limited to Gambia and Nigeria.
Toronto to Kano, Nigeria, November 25, 1942
65 cents for each half ounce rate to Nigeria
b) 75 cent Rate
This rate applied to African destinations other than (a) and (c)
Montreal to Winhoek, South West Africa , August 20, 1943
75 cents one half ounce rate
c) 90 cent rate
The 90 cent rate was applied to African destinations and Asia.
Montreal to Tel Aviv, Palestine, November 25 (year indistinct)
90 cents for one-half ounce to Palestine
d) $1.00 rate
Afghanistan, Bahrein Island, Ceylon, India, and Iran were countries for which the air mail rate was $1.00.
Toronto to Bombay, January 23, 1943
$1.00 for each half-ounce rate to India
e) China
The rate for surface transmission to India then by air was 40 cents. The rate for air througout was 75 cents.
London to Chungking, West China, December 15, 1942
75 cents for each quarter ounce rate to unoccupied China
A 10 cent overpayment
The registration fee was 10 cents.

Humber Summit, Ont., to Aberdeen, Scotland, November 16, 1944
4 cents preferred letter rate + 10 cents registration fee

Toronto to Dublin, Eire, February 17, 1944
4 cents preferred letter rate + 10 cents registration fee
4. Air Mail
The following air mail rates published in the 1944-1945 Postal Guide were in effect for most of the "War Issue" period:

(click on image to enlarge)
The air mail rate to Newfoundland was 7 cents for the first ounce.

Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Eire
a) Air Services in Canada Only
The rate for air service in Canada only was 6 cents per ounce until March 31, 1943. On April 1, 1943, a 1 cent War Tax was added to the first step air mail rate. The cover shown below was mailed during the 6 cent period.

Carberry Military Post Office (MPO 1007) Manitoba, to Shrewsbury, England, February 5, 1943
6 cents air service within Canada rate
The Royal Air Force (RAF), opened No. 33 Service Flying Training School (SFTS) at Carberry December 1940 and formally became part of the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan in 1942. The 6 cent stamp depicts a pilot, training under the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan in Canada, entering the cockpit of a training plane.
b) Including trans-Atlantic Conveyance
The rate was thirty cents for each ounce.

Paulson Military Post Office (MPO 1005) Man., to Mancherster, England, April 8, 1944
30 cents for each half-ounce air mail rate including trans-Atlantic conveyance

Winnipeg to addressee c/o Royal Bank of Canada, London, October 13, 1942
90 cents triple weight step rate for 1 1/2 ounces
(Forwarded twice)

Montreal to Dublin, Eire, July 6, 1943
60 cents double weight step rate for 1 ounce
The rate to Europe by surface route to England then onward air conveyance was 10 cents for each ounce. The rate, including trans-Atlantic conveyance, was 30 cents for each ounce.

Vancouver to Geneva, Switzerland, June 29, 1943
30 cents for each half ounce rate to Europe

Montreal to Baden, Switzerland, December 6, 1943
60 cents double weight step for 1 ounce rate
The air mail rate for air transmission throughout was 40 cents for each half ounce.

Nanaimo to Palgard, Sweden, November 23, 1943
80 cents double weight step rate for 1 ounce
London O.A.T (Onward Air Transmission) handstamp.
West Indies and British Guiana, Mexico, Cuba, Central America
The rate was 10 cents for each quarter ounce.

Toronto to Kingston, Jamaica, May 9, 1944
10 cents air mail rate for each quarter ounce to the West Indies

Toronto to Nassau, Bahamas, January 9, 1943
20 cents double weight step for 1/2 ounce to the West Indies

Montreal to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, December 10, 1942
20 cents double weight step for 1/2 ounce

Fort William to Curacao, Dutch West Indies, February 4, 1943
20 cents double weight step for 1/2 ounce

Montreal to Georgetown, British Guiana, January 11, 1945
20 cents double weight step for 1/2 ounce to British Guiana
The rate to Bermuda was 15 cents for each 1/2 ounce.

Orangedale, N.S., to Spanish Point, Bermuda, May 12, 1943
15 cents rate to Bermuda (via FAM 17)
South America
(a) Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Netherlands Guiana, and French Guiana
The rate was 25 cents for each quarter ounce.

Georgetown to Parmaribo, Netherlands Guiana, September 18, 1943
25 cents for each quarter ounce rate to Netherlands Guiana

Dundurn Military Post Office (MPO 1201) Saskatchewan, to Maracaibo, Venezuela, March 19, 1943
25 cents for each quarter ounce rate to Venezuela (5 cents overpayment)
b) Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay
The rate was 35 cents each quarter ounce.

Vancouver to Gallao, Peru, August 9, 1943
35 cent for each quarter ounce rate to Peru

Montreal to Rio de Janiero, Brazil, October 27, 1943
70 cents double weight step for 1/2 ounce to Brazil

Vancouver to Buenos Aires, August 10, 1945
35 cents for each quarter ounce rate to Argentina

Frankford, Ont., to Rio de Janiero, May 22, 1944
35 cents for each quarter ounce air mail rate to Brazil + 10 cents registration fee

St. Catharines to Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2, 1944
Toronto and Niagara Falls RPO
35 cents for each quarter ounce rate to Argentina
South Atlantic Route (From December 1941)
In December 1941, Pan American Airways was awarded the South Atlantic air mail route (FAM 22) from Miami via Natal, Brazil to Bathurst, Gambia. Air Mail service from Canada over the South Atlantic Route was introduced in early 1942 to African, Middle East and Asian destinations.
There were several rates in effect (for each 1/2 ounce):

a) 65 cent Rate
This rate was limited to Gambia and Nigeria.

Toronto to Kano, Nigeria, November 25, 1942
65 cents for each half ounce rate to Nigeria
b) 75 cent Rate
This rate applied to African destinations other than (a) and (c)

Montreal to Winhoek, South West Africa , August 20, 1943
75 cents one half ounce rate
c) 90 cent rate
The 90 cent rate was applied to African destinations and Asia.

Montreal to Tel Aviv, Palestine, November 25 (year indistinct)
90 cents for one-half ounce to Palestine
d) $1.00 rate
Afghanistan, Bahrein Island, Ceylon, India, and Iran were countries for which the air mail rate was $1.00.

Toronto to Bombay, January 23, 1943
$1.00 for each half-ounce rate to India
e) China
The rate for surface transmission to India then by air was 40 cents. The rate for air througout was 75 cents.

London to Chungking, West China, December 15, 1942
75 cents for each quarter ounce rate to unoccupied China
A 10 cent overpayment