January 21, 2011
1954 - 1963 Wilding Period
International Rates and Fees During the Wilding Period

Ottawa to Matamata, December 15, 1954
5 cents preferential surface letter rate to New Zealand

Consulate of Switzerland Toronto to Bleien, Switzerland, January 4, 1963
6 cents UPU surface letter rate
1967 - 1974 Centennial Period
Centennial Period International Rates :
Surface Third Class Mail (Printed Matter)

Montreal to Alexandria, Egypt, November 29, 1968
6 cents UPU surface third class rate

Egypt receiver February 15, 1969
Expo 67 : A Philatelic Commemoration
Although Guyana did not issue stamps for Expo 67, the 1967 Christmas stamp pictures "Millie" the bilingual parrot who appeared at Expo.

November 6, 1967

January 22, 1968
Canadian Naval Mail During the Centennial Period
HMCS Bonaventure's Last Mission
The Bonaventure was scrapped in July, 1970. Her last mission involved the transport of returning Army equipment to Canada after the major land forces Exercise Arctic Express in Northern Norway. The Bonaventure was not involved in the naval exercises Arctic Ice.

CFPO 26 (HMCS Bonaventure), April 24, 1970

Comanding Officer, HMCS Bonaventure
April 20, 1970
The HMCS Bonaventure was decommissioned on July 3, 1970.

Information cover mailed June 30, 1970
Large CFPO 26 cancel


Halifax July 4, 1970
Souvenir cover cancelled the day after decommissioning because of rotating postal strike

Instructional handstamp regarding postal strike
Centennial Period Slogan Cancellations : 1969
AUG. 8 & 9

Brantford, July 29, 1969
Commemorative Stamps (1952 - 1966)
1953 Coronation

1955 World Scout Jamboree

Vancouver to Florida North, South Africa, September 21, 1955
25 cents air mail letter rate to South Africa
Girl Guides 50th Anniversary 1960

Vancouver to Florida North, South Africa, April 20, 1960
25 cents air mail letter rate to South Africa
1965 Ottawa Capital of the Province of Canada

1966 London Conference
Royal Philatelic Society of Canada

"First Day of Issue"

1966 Christmas

Commemorative Stamps ( From 1967)
1967 Pan-American Games

1967 General Georges P. Vanier:
A Canadian Hero

March 5, 1967
1967 Christmas

1968 Gray Jay
Cole Cover