Saturday, June 11, 2011

George VI "Mufti" Period
1937 - 1942
Domestic Rates and Fees

The domestic mail rates during the "Mufti" period were those which had been in effect since 1931. The only fee change was the reduction of the special delivery fee from 20 cents to 10 cents on March 1, 1939.

1. Forward Letter

The forward letter rate was 3 cents for the first ounce and 2 cents for each additional ounce.

Brantford to Gananoque, July 31, 1937
3 cents forward letter rate

Halifax to Hamilton, June 11, 1938
3 cents forward letter rate

Welland to Toronto, May 26, 1938
5 cents forward letter rate for 2 ounces

New Westminster to Trail, November 22, 1939
7 cents forward letter rate for 3 ounces

Windsor to Kingsville, Octobe 3, 1938
3 cent forward letter rate
Shortpaid 1 cent and taxed 2 cents, double the deficiency

Montreal (Bonaventure Station) to Hamilton, April 25, 1937
5 cents forward letter rate for 2 ounces
Shortpaid 2 cents and taxed 4 cents

Windsor to Toronto, February 7, 1942
9 cents forward letter rate for 4 ounces ( 3 cents first ounce + 6 cents next three ounces)
Shortpaid 4 cents and taxed 8 cents

Toronto Postage Due meter label affixed., February 9, 1942.
9 cents paid suggesting the remaining 1 cent was for another item

2. Local Letter

The local letter rate was 2 cents for the first ounce and 1 cent for each additional ounce.

Toronto local letter rate, February 9, 1939
2 cents local letter rate

Montreal local letter, August 13, 1941
2 cents local letter rate

Brantford local letter, December 14, 1940
2 cents local letter rate

Redirected Local Letter

Redirected letters were not liable to any additional postage provided the change in address did not require the letter to be sent to a place to which the postage rate was higher. If the charge required a higher rate, additional postage had to be prepaid or postage due charges collected on delivery. Only the single deficiency was to be rated.

Sherbrooke local letter, December 4, 1940
2 cents local letter rate
Redirected to Hamilton and rated 1 cent, the difference between the forward and local letter rates.

Toronto local letter, March 31, 1940
2 cents local letter rate
Redirected to Chicago and rated 1 cent, the difference between the letter rate to the United States and the domestic local letter rate
1 cent due stamp cancelled April 2, 1940

3. Post Card

The post card rate was 2 cents.

Hamilton to Tillsonburg, December 1, 1937
2 cents post card rate

Yarmouth to Kentville, March 23, 1941
2 cents post card rate
Shortpaid 1 cent and taxed 2 cents
Postage due stamp paid the charge

Hamilton to Milford, May 25, 1941
2 cents post card rate
Shortpaid 1 cent and taxed 2 cents
2-cent definitive stamp paid the charge

4. Third Class Mail

The printed matter rate was 1 cent for each 2 ounces.

Halifax to Shelburne, May 10, 1939
1 cent printed matter rate

Department of Public Health correspondence

CPR correspondence, Toronto to Kingsville, November 30, 1938
1 cent printed matter rate

Montreal to Sweeetsburg, June 1940
1 cent printed matter rate
Montreal Money Order Office Number 0700 precancel

London Precancel : Normal and Error

Normal : 3470

London to Cookshire (Cookshire receiver January 5, 1941)
1 cent printed matter rate

London Money Order Office Number 3470 precancel

Error : 3070

London to Sarnia
1 cent printed matter rate

London Money Order Office Number 3070 precancel error

Undeliverable Third Class Mail

Undeliverable third class matter was returned to the sender. The charge was equal to the original postage charged.

Local London printed matter, April 25, 1938
Addressee moved and left no return address
Returned to sender and charged 1 cent

Postage Paid Meter, London April 27, 1938
2 cent paid suggesting the sender had another charge

Christmas Advanced Posting

From 1926 to 1945, from early December to the week before Christmas, customers could bring Christmas cards to the post office for delivery on the last day before Christmas.

Toronto local mail
Advanced Posting, December 24, 1938

5. Air Mail

The air mail rate was 6 cents for the first ounce and 5 cents for each additional ounce.

Emo to Tillsonburg, December 13, 1941
6 cents air mail rate

Sault Ste Marie to Vancouver, February 20, 1939
6 cents air mail rate paid with 2 cent coil stamps

St. John to Toronto, February 8, 1940
11 cents air mail rate for 2 ounces
6 cents first ounce + 5 cents second ounce

Victoria to Petrolia, February 8, 1937
6 cents air mail rate
The 6 cent "Daedalus in Flight" stamp was replaced by the 6 cent "Mackenzie River" stamp on June 15, 1938

Moncton to Tillsonburg, June 15, 1938
6 cents air mail rate

Montreal to Vancouver, March 22, 1940
6 cents air mail rate


Kitchener to Regina, January 26, 1942
11 cents two ounce rate
Shortpaid 5 cents and taxed 10 cents

Vancouver to Lethbridge, March 17, 1939
6 cents air mail rate
Unpaid and taxed 12 cents

Official Mail, Ottawa to Victoria, August 11, 1939
6 cents air mail rate
Surface mail from federal government department in Ottawa. Air mail required that postage be paid.

Halifax to Toronto, September 18, 1941
6 cents air mail rate
Domestic mail censorship

6. Registration

A graduated scale of registration fees was in effect.

Comber to Kingsville, December 13, 1938
3 cents forward letter + 10 cents registration fee

Vancouver local letter, July 9, 1937
2 cents local letter rate + 10 cents registration fee

Toronto local letter, March 19, 1942
2 cents local letter rate + 10 cents registration fee

Ontario Jockey Club, Toronto local letter, May 18, 1939
2 cents local letter rate + 10 cents registration fee

Vancouver to Victoria, June 23, 1942
9 cents four ounce forward letter rate + 10 cents registration fee

Redirected Registered Letter

Toronto local registered letter, August 26, 1939
2 cents local letter rate + 10 cents registration fee
Redirected to Lakeview Beach and charged 1 cent, the difference between the forward and local letter rates.
1 cent postage due stamp cancelled Lakeview Beach, August 29, 1938

7. Acknowledgment of Receipt

The acknowledgment of receipt fee was 10 cents at the time of mailing.

Registered item mailed from Hollyburn, B.C., to a local address, January 11, 1938
Receipt acknowledged January 12, 1938

A receipt for Registration and AR fees for the correspondence

8. Special Delivery

a) To February 28, 1939

The special delivery fee was 20 cents.

Toronto to Hamilton, April 12, 1938
3 cents forward letter rate + 20 cents special delivery fee

Windsor to Toronto, December 19, 1938
3 cents forward letter rate + 20 cents special delivery fee

b) From March 1, 1939

The special delivery fee was reduced from 20 cents to 10 cents.

The 20 cent special delivery stamp was revalued to 10 cents.

March 1, 1939
First day of reduced special delivery rate and 10 cents revalued special delivery stamp

Lyn to Brockville, June 10, 1940
3 cents forward letter rate + 10 cents special delivery fee

Toronto to London, April 9, 1939
3 cents forward letter rate (1 cent overpayment) + 10 cents special delivery fee

Toronto local letter, December 23, 1941
2 cents local letter rate + 10 cents special delivery fee

Montreal to Ottawa, December 23, 1939
6 cents air mail rate + 10 cents special delivery fee

Governor-General correspondence, Ottawa local letter, July 5, 1941
Free postage + 10 cents special delivery fee
OHMS perfin

Assistant-Secretary to the Governor-General

Welland to Rockcliff, May 29, 1941
3 cents forward letter rate + 10 cents registration fee + 10 cents special delivery fee

9. Money Packet

The rate for money packets was 5 cents per ounce. The registration fee of 10 cents was also to be prepaid.

Toronto to Fort William, June 14, 1939

$4.05 paying the 4 lb. 15 oz. (79 ounces) money packet rate