Friday, April 25, 2014

Centennial Period U.S. Rates and Fees

Dozens of posts dealing with the Canadian Centennial definitive issue (1967 - 1973) have been published in the nearly four years Postal History Corner has been on-line. The original post dealing with U.S. Rates and Fees was published on June 13, 2010.  

This post deals with the following rates and fees to the United States:
1. Surface letter rates
2. Air Mail letter rates
3. Surface post card rates
4. Air Mail post card rates
5. Third class mail
6. Parcel Post
7. Registration fees and Acknowledgment of Receipt
8. Special delivery

1. Surface Letter Rates

There were four surface letter rate periods to the United States during the Centennial era:
a) To October 31, 1968 : 5 cents first ounce
b) November 1, 1968 - June 30, 1971 : 6 cents first ounce
c) July 1 1971 - December 31, 1971 : 7 cents first ounce
d) From January 1, 1972 : 8 cents first ounce

a) To October 31, 1968

The surface letter rate was 5 cents for the first ounce and 3 cents for each additional ounce.

 Black's Harbour to Proctor, VT., October 30, 1968
5 cents surface letter rate to the U.S.

 Moncton to New York, July 25, 1967
5 cents surface letter rate to the U.S.

 Toronto to New York,June 18, 1968
5 cents surface letter rate to the U.S.

 Quebec to West Springfield, Mass., October 30, 1968
5 cents surface letter rate to the U.S.

Undeliverable : Return Address

Undeliverable letters were returned to the sender without additional fee.

Mississauga to New York, October 17, 1968
5 cents  surface letter rate to the U.S.
Undeliverable, "Addressee unknown", and returned to sender

Undeliverable : No Return Address

Undeliverable first class mail without return address was sent to the Undeliverable Mail Office where the mail was opened and the address of the sender determined. The mail was forwarded to the sender under separate cover (ambulance envelope) and a charge of 5 cents per item was levied.

 Toronto to New York, September 11, 1968
5 cents surface letter rate to the U.S.
Scott Publications, Inc. "unknown"
No return address and forwarded to Undeliverable Mail Office Toronto

 Returned to Toronto (September 19, 1968 receiver)
UMO handstamp September 13, 1968

UMO Toronto meter stamp applied September 19, 1968

Enclosure in the undeliverable letter advising the sender (Royal Philatelic Society  of Canada)
 to include a return address on its mail.

Insufficiently Paid

Insufficiently paid U.S.-Canada mail was taxed in the currency of the country of origin and converted at par into the destination country's currency. The UPU Tax fraction method did not apply to insufficiently paid mail between the bordering countries.

Whitehorse to Oakland, March 23, 1968
5 cents surface letter rate to the United States
Short paid 1 cent and taxed 2 cents, double the deficiency

b) November 1, 1968 - June 30, 1971

The surface letter increased from 5 cents to 6 cents for the first ounce. The rate was 4 cents for each additional ounce.

 Virgil to Chicago, June 20, 1969
6 cents surface letter rate to the United States

 Nanaimo to Tucson, January 4, 1970
6 cents surface letter rate to the United States

 Prince Albert to Peoria, December 19, 1970
6 cents surface letter rate to the U.S.

Toronto to Lake Success, November 19, 1969
10 cents paying the 2 ounce letter rate to the U.S. : 6 cents 1st oz. + 4 cents next oz.

 Wildwood, Alta., to Madison, Wisc., December 17, 1970
42 cents paying the 10 ounce surface letter rate to the U.S.

c) July 1, 1971 to December 31, 1971

The surface letter increased from 6 cents to 7 cents for the first ounce and 5 cents for each added ounce.

Downsview to New York, July 27, 1971
7 cents surface letter rate to the U.S.

d) From January 1, 1972

The surface letter increased from 7 cents to 8 cents for the first ounce and 6 cents for each added ounce.

Hull to Holland, Mich., June 9, 1973
8 cents surface letter rate to the U.S.

Toronto to Danville, Ill., March 27, 1972
14 cents 2 ounce surface letter rate to the U.S. (8c 1st oz. + 6c next oz.) + 50 cents registration fee

2. Air Mail letter rates

There were two air mail letter rate periods to the United States during the Centennial era:
a) To October 30, 1968 : 8 cents for the first ounce
b) From November 1, 1968 : 10 cents for each ounce

a) To October 30, 1968

The air mail letter rate was 8 cents for the first ounce and 6 cents for each additional ounce.

London to Delray Beach, Fl., February 13 1967
8 cents air mail letter rate to the U.S.

 Montreal to West Newton, Mass., November 21, 1967
8 cents air mail letter rate to the U.S.

 Insufficiently paid
 Calgary to Detroit, March 12., 1968
8 cents air mail letter rate to the U.S.
Short paid 3 cents and taxed "6 CENTS DUE"

Toronto to Flushing, N.Y., September 23, 1969
14 cents two ounce air mail letter rate to the U.S. (8c 1st oz. + 6c next oz.)
Shortpaid 6 cents and taxed 12 cents, double the deficiency

 U.S. dues cancelled Flushing, September 25, 1968

b) From November 1, 1968

The air mail letter rate was increased to 10 cents for each ounce.

Canadian Forces Station Mount Apica to Fort Worth, February 21, 1969
10 cents air mail letter rate to the U.S.

 Aylmer West to West Palm Beach, January 22, 1971
10 cents air mail rate to the U.S.


 Toronto to Guam. April 21. 1972
10 cents air mail rate to U.S. Territories

U.S. Embassy, Seoul Korea

 Moncton to U.S. APO San Francisco, December 11, 1968
10 cents air mail letter rate to the U.S.

Embassy Mail forwarded through Army Post Office system

Calgary Stampede Post Office to Tampa, July 5, 1969
10 cents air mail letter rate to the U.S.

Winnipeg Sub. No. 16 to New York, May 4, 1971
20 cents air mail letter rate for 2 oz. + 50 cents registration fee

 Aylmer West to La Jolla, February 7, 1973
$1.80 paying the 18 oz. air mail letter rate (18 oz. weight listed on Customs Duty label)

 Insufficiently Paid

 Vancouver to Los Altos, Calif., June 10, 1970
10 cents air mail letter rate to the U.S.
Short paid 6 cents and taxed 12 cents

Los Altos postage due meter label paying the 12 cents postage due

 Toronto to Akron, February 11, 1969
10 cents air mail letter rate to the U.S.
Short paid 2 cents and taxed 4 cents

 Akron postage due meter label paying the 4 cents postage due

Diplomatic Pouch Air Mail

The tag shown above was attached to a diplomatic pouch mailed from the Embassy of the United States of America in Ottawa to the Secretary of State, Washington, D.C. on March 8, 1972. The regulations of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, to which both the United States and Canada belonged, provided that diplomatic mail of this type could be forwarded free of postage unless dispatched by air mail.

Although there is no air mail label on the tag, the payment of $6.20 postage indicates that air mail service was to be provided :

$6.20 likely paid the air mail letter rate (10 cents per ounce) for 62 ounces.

3. Surface Post Card Rates

There were four surface post card rate periods to the United States during the Centennial era:
a) To October 31, 1968 : 4 cents
b) November 1, 1968 - June 30, 1971 : 6 cents
c) July 1 1971 - December 31, 1971 : 7 cents
d) From January 1, 1972 : 8 cents

a) To October 31, 1968

The surface post card rate was 4 cents.

 Toronto to Richmond, Va., April 19, 1967
4 cents surface post card rate to the U.S.

 Sackville to Malden, Mass.,  August 26, 1967
4 cents surface post card rate to the U.S.

 b) November 1, 1968 - June 30, 1971

The surface post card rate was increased to 6 cents.

Lake Louise to Rochester, N.Y., August 6, 1969
6 cents surface post card rate to the U.S.

c) July 1 1971 - December 31, 1971

The surface post card rate was increased to 7 cents.

Waterton Park to Portland, Ore, October 4, 1971
7 cents surface post card rate to the U.S.

d) From January 1, 1972

The surface post card rate was increased to 8 cents.

 Welland to Hatfield, Pa., May 17, 1972
8 cents surface post card rate to the U.S.

Quebec to New York, August 23, 1972
8 cents surface post card rate to the U.S.

 Ottawa to Portland, October 2, 1972
8 cents surface post card rate to the U.S.
Short paid 2 cents and rated 4 cents due (double the deficiency)

4. Air Mail Post Card Rates

There were two air mail post card rate periods to the United States during the Centennial era:
a) To October 30, 1968 : 8 cents
b) From November 1, 1968 : 10 cents

a) To October 30, 1968

Calgary Stampede to Napa, Calif., July 15, 1967
8 cents air mail post card rate to the U.S.

Expo 67 Montreal to Puerto Rico, July 2, 1967
8 cents air mail post card rate to the U.S.
 2 cents overpayment

b) From November 1, 1968

The air mail post card rate was 10 cents.

Calgary Stampede post office to Berkeley, July 13, 1972
10 cents air mail post card rate to the U.S.

5. Third Class Mail (Printed Matter)
There were three third class mail rate periods to the United States during the Centennial era:
a) To October 30, 1968 : 3 cents first 2 ounces
b) November 1, 1968 - June 30, 1971 : 5 cents first 2 ounces
c) From July 1, 1971 : 6 cents first 2 ounces

a) To October 30, 1968

The third class mail rate was 3 cents for the first two ounces and 1 cent for each additional 2 ounces to September 30, 1967. On November 1, 1967, the rate for each additional 2 ounces increased to 2 cents.

 Montreal to Lake George, N.Y., April 15, 1968

Kinsman Club of Brandon, The Canadian Centennial Balloon Race mailing
 3 cents precancelled paying the printed matter rate to the U.S.

Balloon Post mail
July 19, 1967
3 cents printed matter rate to the U.S.

Reply-paid 3 cents printed matter card used in the U.S.
Boston to Belleville, February 5, 1968

b) November 1, 1968 - June 30, 1971

The third class mail rate was increased to 5 cents for the first two ounces and three cents for each additional two ounces.

 Montreal to Thompsonville, Ct., May 16, 1969
5 cents printed matter rate to the U.S.

 Lethbridge to Port Orchard, December 13, 1968
5 cents printed matter rate to the U.S.

Cameo Re-valued Stationery

Toronto to Groveport, Ohio, July 10, 1970
5 cents printed matter rate

Winnipeg to East Aurora, N.Y., August, 1969
11 cents paying the 6 oz. printed matter rate to the U.S.
5 cents 1st 2 oz. + 6 cents for the next 4 oz. (2 x 3c/2oz.)

c) From July 1, 1971The third class mail rate was increased to 6 cents for the first two ounces.

 Halifax to Preoria Heights, August 20, 1973
6 cents printed matter rate to U.S.

 Ottawa to USS Kitty Hawk, c/o/ FPO San Francisco, October 16, 1972
6 cents printed matter rate to the U.S.

6. Parcel Post

There were three U.S. parcel post rate periods during the Centennial era :
1. July 1, 1961 to September 30, 1967
2. October 1, 1967 to September 30, 1969
3. October 1, 1969 to August 31, 1976

This post shows stamped address labels from St. Matthew Lutheran Church, North Tonawanda, N.Y., to Lutheran churches in Northeastern Ontario, mailed during each of the above periods. The rates are for >1 lb. , ≤ 2 lb. parcels. The cards had the Canadian address on one side and the U.S. address on the other side.

The U.S. rates to Canada remained unchanged during this period and were in effect from May 1, 1967 to June 30, 1971. The ≤ 2 lb. parcel rate was $1.00

1. July 1, 1961 to September 30, 1967

Up to 12 ounces: 5 cents 4 oz. 1 cent per oz. up to 12 oz., over 12 oz. full lb. rate applied,
40 cents for the first lb. , then 15 cents/lb. up to 10 lb., then 5 lb. increments to 25 lb.

Canadian Address Side

N. Tonawanda to Wawbewawa (Cobalt, Ont. Customs handstamp August 4, 1967)
$1.00 ≤ 2 lb rate ( from May 1, 1967)

United States address side

Wawbewawa, Ont., to N. Tonawanda, September 30, 1967
55 cents paying the >1 lb. , ≤ 2 lb.
40 cents for the 1st lb. + 15 cents for the next pound
(Last day of rate)

2. October 1, 1967 to September 30, 1969

Eight oz. packages - 10 cents up to 4 oz., 15 cents over 4 oz. up to 8 oz., over 8 oz. up to 1 lb. 45 cents, and 20 cents for each additional lb. up to and including 10 lb.

Canadian Address Side

N. Tonawanda to Wawbewawa (Cobalt, Ont. Customs handstamp February 10, 1969)
$1.00 ≤ 2 lb rate ( from May 1, 1967)

United States address side

Wawbewawa, Ont., to N. Tonawanda, undated Englehart roller cancellation
65 cents paying the >1 lb. , ≤ 2 lb.
45 cents for the 1st lb. + 20 cents for the next pound

3. October 1, 1969 - August 31, 1976

75 cents for the first lb., then 25 cents/lb. up to 25 lb.

Canadian Address Side

 N. Tonawanda to Englehart, February 27, 1971
$1.00 ≤ 2 lb rate ( from May 1, 1967)

United States address side

Englehart, Ont., to N. Tonawanda, undated Englehart roller cancellation
$1.00 paying the >1 lb. , ≤ 2 lb.
75 cents for the 1st lb. + 25 cents for the next pound

7 . Registration and Acknowledgment of Receipt (AR) Fees


There were three registration fee to the U.S. periods during the Centennial era:
a) To May 31, 1967
b) June 1, 1967 - September 30, 1970
c) From October 1, 1970

a) To May 31, 1967

Nippers Harbour to Winchendon, Mass., May 3, 1967
5 cents surface letter rate + 35 cents registration fee

Hartland to Richmond Hill, N.Y., February 13, 1967
2 ounce registered surface letter
8 cents paying the 2 oz. letter rate + 35 cents paying registration fee

Quebec, Limoilou, to Lennox, Mass., March 11, 1967
8 cents air mail letter rate + 60 cents registration fee ($75-$100 indemnity)

Ottawa to Chicago, March 6, 1967
8 cents air mail letter rate + 60 cents registration fee ($75-$100 indemnity)

b)  From June 1, 1967

The  registration fees were simplified and the  minimum registration fee was increased to 50 cents.

On October 1, 1970, the maximum indemnity was increased to $200, the fee for which was $1.10.

Downsview to Begenfield, N.J., April 5, 1967
5 cents surface letter rate + 50 cents registration fee

Hamilton to Port Washington, N.Y., October 2, 1969
6 cents surface letter rate + 50 cents registration fee

Nanaimo to Capitola, Calif., January 22, 1971
6 cents surface letter rate + 50 cents registration fee

 Chesley to Munice, February 9, 1968
8 cents air mail letter rate + 50 cents registration fee

Peterborough to Drexel Hill, Pa., May 14, 1968
64 cents paying 14 cents 2 oz. air mail rate (8c 1st oz. + 6c 2nd oz.) + 50 cents registration fee

Brentwood Bay to Waymart, Pa., May 31, 1971
10 cents air mail letter rate + 50 cents registration fee
AR card attached

Montreal, Place des Armes, to Los Angeles, May 1, 1972
10 cents air mail letter rate + 50 cents registration fee

Hamilton to Maryland Heights, Mo., September 19, 1972
10 cents air mail letter rate + 50 cents registration fee

Acknowledgment of Receipt (AR)

There were two AR periods during the Centennial era:
a) To May 31 1967
b) From June 1, 1967

a) To May 31 1967

i) AR fee at time of mailing-10 cents (not shown)
ii) Subsequent AR fee- 20 cents (not shown)

b) From June 1, 1967

i) AR fee at time of mailing-15 cents
ii) Subsequent AR fee- 25 cents (not shown)
(not shown)

Registered mail sent from Toronto to Bronxville, April 3, 1969
Acknowledged April 7, 1969
15 cents AR fee

Return by Air Mail : 15c AR fee + 10 cent air mail postage

Registered mail sent from Calgary to Albuquerque, October 6, 1970
Acknowledged October 7, 1970
15 cents AR fee + 10 cents for return by air mail

8. Special Delivery Fee
There were two Special Delivery fee periods during the Centennial era:
a) To May 31, 1967
b) From June 1, 1967

a) To May 31, 1867

The special delivery fee was 25 cents.

Montreal to Summit, N.J., May 12, 1967
5 cents surface letter rate + 25 cents special delivery fee

b) From June 1, 1967

The special delivery fee was increased to 40 cents.

Kamloops to Greenvale, N.Y., July 15, 1967
8 cents air mail letter rate + 40 cents special delivery fee

Halifax to Bronx, April 4, 1968
8 cents air mail letter rate + 40 cents special delivery fee

Toronto to Denver, March 14, 1973
10 cents air mail letter rate + 40 cents special delivery fee

Insufficiently Paid

 London to Ypsilanti, December 29, 1967
5 cents surface letter rate + 40 cents special delivery fee
Short paid 15 cents and taxed 30 cents (double the deficiency)
Only 5 cents charged by U.S. post office

Registered Special Delivery

 Murray Harbour to Cleveland, May 11, 1970
$1.00 paying air mail letter rate, registration and special delivery fees

Montreal to North Miami, June 25, 1969
$1.00 paying air mail letter rate, registration and special delivery fees