Friday, April 18, 2014

Centennial Period (1967 - 1971) International Surface Letter Rates

 Dozens of posts dealing with the Canadian Centennial definitive issue (1967 - 1973) have been published in the nearly four years Postal History Corner has been on-line. The original post dealing with international surface letter rates was published on June 9, 2010.

There were two international surface letter rate destinations (excluding the United States) in effect during the 1967 - 1971 Centennial period:
  • Destinations to which standard UPU rates applied
  • Destinations to which lower preferential rates applied : Great Britain and places within the Commonwealth, Republic of Ireland, France, Spain, countries of North, Central and South America, and West Indies.

Period 1 : to October 31, 1968

Standard UPU Rate

The standard rate international surface letter rate was 10 cents for the first ounce and 7 cents for each added ounce. The 10 cent rate had been in effect since December 1, 1966.


 Calgary to Vaenersborg, Sweden, November 30, 1967
10 cents UPU surface letter rate


Scarborough to Pfaffikon, Switzerland, November 13, 1971
10 cents UPU surface letter rate

Insufficiently Paid Mail

In 1966, the centimes method indicating the postage due for international mail was replaced by a "tax fraction" (Vienna Convention) system. Insufficiently paid letters were marked with a "T" and a fraction. The numerator was double the amount shortpaid, and the denominator was the country of origin's international single letter rate. The receiving office multiplied the fraction by its international letter rate to calculate the amount due in the receiving office's currency.


 Toronto to Stockholm, November 15, 1967
10 cents UPU letter rate
Shortpaid 5 cents 
 Canadian Tax Fraction :

Swedish Calculation and Postage Due:

The Swedish international letter rate was 70 ore which was multiplied by the tax fraction, 10/10, to obtain the amount due in Swedish ore:

Swedish postage due label and stamp paying amount due (cancelled December 12, 1967)


 Edmonton to The Hague, July 25, 1968
10 cents UPU surface letter rate - underpaid 5 cents
Canadian tax fraction 10/10
Dutch postage due : 45 cents

s'Gravenhage postage due meter 45 cents


 Vancouver to Kalundborg February 19, 1968
10 cents UPU surface letter rate - underpaid 4 cents
Canadian tax fraction 8/10
Danish postage due : 80 ore


Toronto to Zurich, June 25, 1968
10 cents UPU surface letter rate - underpaid 4 cents
Canadian tax fraction 8/10
Swiss postage due : 40 cents

Ville-de-Laval to Switzerland, June 14, 1968
10 cents UPU surface letter rate - unpaid
Canadian tax fraction 20/10
Swiss postage due : 100 cents 

 Canadian tax fraction


The cover below was marked "Printed Matter" but was sealed and taxed as an underpaid letter.

Oakville to Bois-d'Haim, February 5, 1968
10 cents UPU surface letter rate - underpaid 5 cents
Canadian tax fraction 10/10
Belgian postage due : 6 francs

South Africa

Victoria to Capetown, August 22, 1968
10 cents UPU surface letter rate - underpaid 5 cents
Canadian tax fraction 10/10
South African postage due : 5 cents

 Preferential Rate

The international preferential surface letter rate was 5 cents for the first ounce and 3 cents for each additional ounce. The 5 cents letter rate was introduced on April 1, 1954.


Creston to Penang, Malaysia, August 19, 1968
5 cents preferential Commonwealth surface letter rate

Great Britain

Victoria to Cambridge, England, February 28, 1967
5 cents preferential surface letter rate to Great Britain


Burlington to Sydney, Australia, October 16, 1968
5 cents preferential Commonwealth surface letter rate

Insufficiently Paid

Great Britain

Montreal to London, March 13, 1968
5 cents preferential surface letter rate to Great Britain
Shortpaid 1 cent
Canadian tax fraction : 2/10
British Postage Due : 3d. (the minimum amount charged)

Period 2 : November 1, 1968 to June 30, 1971

Standard UPU Rate

On November 1, 1968, The UPU surface letter rate was increased from 10 cents to 12 cents for the first ounce and 7 cents for each additional ounce.


 Winnipeg to Nurnberg, May 6, 1969
12 cents UPU surface letter rate


Montreal to Brussels, January 29 1971
12 cents UPU surface letter rate


Ottawa to Rezaieh, Iran, June 26,1970
12 cent UPU surface letter rate

Insufficiently Prepaid


Vancouver to Klosterneuburg. December 30, 1968
12 cents UPU surface letter rate
Shortpaid 6 cents


 Montreal to Copenhagen, November 27, 1968
12 cents UPU surface letter rate
Shortpaid 6 cents : Canadian tax fraction 12/12

Danish postage due 90 ore


 Toronto to Stockholm, June 29, 1970
12 cents UPU surface letter rate
Shortpaid 6 cents

Canadian tax fraction

Swedish  70 ore postage due label and stamp paying amount due

German Federal Republic

Winnipeg to Nurenberg, June 16, 1970
12 cent UPU surface letter rate
6 cents shortpaid and Canadian tax fraction 12/12 applied
West German postage due 50 pfennig (blue crayon); Germany did not print postage due labels


Cobourg to Remich, July 12, 1969
12 cents UPU surface letter rate
Shortpaid 6 cents
Canadian tax fraction : 12/12
Luxembourg due : 6 francs

South Africa

Peterborough to Benoni Transvaal, February 24, 1969
12 cents UPU surface letter rate
Shortpaid 3 cents

Preferential Rate

The international preferential surface letter rate was increased from 5 cents to 6 cents for the first ounce and 4 cents for each additional ounce on November 1, 1968.

Great Britain

Lakefield to Croydon, England, December 19, 1969
6 cents preferential surface letter rate to Great Britain


Winnipeg to Canberra, Australia, November 26, 1969
6 cents preferential surface letter rate to Commonwealth countries

Insufficiently Prepaid

Great Britain

Toronto to Salisbury, England, November 19, 1968
6 cents preferential surface letter rate to Great Britain
Shortpaid 1 cent : Canadian tax 2/12
British postage due : 3d. (the minimum amount charged)

From July 1, 1971 : "All-Up" air mail

On July 1 1971, the international air mail letter rate to all countries (excluding the U.S.) was set at 15 cents per ounce. More significantly, the surface and air mail rates for items up to 8 ounces to all destinations were the same, effectively eliminating the surface letter rate for items weighing up to 8 ounces.

Whitehorse to Westminster, England, August 21, 1971
The letter rate to all international destinations (except the United States) for the first ounce was 15 cents.

Surface Rates

(Up to 8 oz., letters were conveyed by air)
Rates per item:

i)1 oz. or less------------------------ .15
ii) more than 1 oz. but
not more than 2 oz.------------------.30
iii)more than 2 oz. but
not more than 4 oz.------------------.40
iv) more than 4 oz. but
no more than 8 oz.-------------------.90
v) more than 8 oz.
but no more than 1 lb.--------------1.60
vi) more than 1 lb.
but no more than 2 lbs.-------------2.65
viii) more than 2 lbs
but no more than 4 lbs.-------------4.25
Air Mail Rates

For air mail letters weighing more than 8 ounces there were two rate destinations (excluding the USA):

  • Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Europe, Bermuda, Mexico, Central and South America, West Indies:
v) more than 8 oz. but
not more than 12 oz.----------------2.00
vi)more than 12 oz. but
not more than 1 lb.------------------2.80
vi) each additional 4 oz.
or fraction thereof--------------------.80

  • All other countries
v) more than 8 oz. but
not more than 12 oz.----------------3.50
vi)more than 12 oz. but
not more than 1 lb.------------------4.50
vi) each additional 4 oz.
or fraction thereof-------------------1.40