Saturday, March 22, 2014

FAKE Quebec, P.Q. Circular Date Stamps on Maximum Cards

The Quebec circular date stamp shown above is a FAKE. It  has appeared on post cards being sold on a European auction website in the "Canada Maximum Card" section for some time and also on eBay. The give-away that these aren't Canada Post Office circular date handstamp is the manner in which the year is abbreviated. Post Office cancellations did not abbreviate the year with an apostrophe :1953 would simply be 53, not '53. However meter cancellations did use apostrophes.

This is an example of a fake being offered on eBay for  £15. 

Post Office Circular Date Stamp

 1975 abbreviated : 75


Maximum card collecting is popular in Europe. It is unfortunate that so many fakes have been produced and continue to be sold even though vendors have been advised that they are selling cards with fake cancellations. Here are more fakes (I have seen many more):

Contact philcovex@gmail.com if you can help identify the fraudster.