Monday, February 3, 2014

Zodiac Stamps : 2011 - 2013

In the spring of 2011,  Canada Post Corporation issued its first instalment of four stamps in the 12-part Signs of the Zodiac series. The final four stamps were issued in 2013. The sheet shown above features all 12 Zodiac stamps.  The lovely brightly coloured stamps were designed by Paprika Design of Montréal whose creative director Louis Gagnon had this to say about the set:
 “We are proud of having designed this series and put a great deal of effort into all the aspects of the stamp issue – the OFDCs, the souvenir sheets, the booklet covers. Our goal was to emphasize the visual elements of each stamp and create a sense of surprise within the continuity of the series. We are confident that our work here has a timelessness and will continue to appear fresh and innovative over the years.” (Canada's Stamp Details (Vol. XXI No 4; October to December 2012)

I agree with Mr. Gagnon. The design was brilliantly executed.