Sunday, January 12, 2014

Domestic Second Class Matter Regulations 1957

The Summer 1957 issue of Quebec Diocesan Gazette ("Gazette") shown below brings to life Canada Post Office's postal regulations dealing with domestic Second Class Matter.

The Gazette was mailed in July, 1957 at Quebec City to subscriber Mrs. V.F. Bartlett also of Quebec City. The 44 page publication was franked with a 2 cent Wilding definitive stamp. This post shows how the publisher of the Gazette complied with all the applicable Second Class Matter regulations found in the Canada Official Postal Guide 1957.

 One of several pages dealing with Second Class Matter in the Postal Guide

Definition of Second Class Matter

The Gazette was a periodical ( published 5 times yearly) published in the City of Quebec.

Statutory Conditions

Content and Publishing Intervals


The Gazette index demonstrates that it consists in great part of "political or other news, or of articles relating thereto, or to other current topics.

The Gazette was "published regularly at intervals of not more than three month."

Title, Place and Date of Publication, and Number of Issue

The Quebec Diocesan Gazette (full name printed) was published in the City of Quebec. 

The issue was Vol. LXIX-No.3, published "Summer, 1957"

Examination by Postmaster General and Endorsement

The Gazette's endorsement on page 7 was printed on the  fifth page of the publication if the front and back of a sheet equals one  page. (I don't know if the Gazette did this correctly.)

Size Limit

 The Gazette's approximate 1 foot 8 inches combined length and girth is well within the 6 foot limit.


 The Gazette was mailed by its publisher to a bona fide subscriber, within the place of its office, Quebec City.

 Quebec City, July 1957

 Having taken the reader through all the above regulations I now reach a problem area- the basis for the 2 cent rate. This is what the regulation says:

Is it 2 cents per lb. or 1 cent for the first 2 oz., etc.? Either way the rate would have been 2 cents. But in my opinion the regulation is ambiguous. I could make a case for either one. I simply don't know. So after a detailed review of the regulations we end on a fuzzy note. The journey was interesting though.