Canada's special publicity first-day covers designed for influential people abroad, Verge, Charles, J.G., Scott Stamp Monthly, October 2010, pp 30-32
Features of the Publicity FDCs
1. Envelopes : 1960 -66
Canada Post Office replacement FDC envelopes and commericial Rosecraft envelopes were used in the first six years of the programme.
a) Canada Post Office P.S. 2 Envelopes : 1960 - 1963
Initially, 5000 Canada Post Office "P.S. 2" envelopes with a crown cachet were printed for the project. The P.S. 2 envelopes had been used to replace first day covers that were damaged in servicing.
i) January 25, 1960 printing order
P.S. 2 printing order January 25, 1960
ii) November 4, 1960 Printing Order
An additional 10,000 envelopes were printed.
iii) February 16, 1962 Printing Order
The number of envelopes printed was not included
b) Rosecraft Commercial Cachets : 1963 - 1965
From 1963 to 1965, the project used Rosecraft first day cover envelopes supplied by J.C. Rosenbaum instead of Canada Post Office printed envelopes.
i) Rosecraft Issue Specific Cachets : 1963 - 64
The first Roescraft cachets were issue specific envelopes which were used for five issues during the 1963 to 1964 period, beginning with the Frobisher issue on August 21, 1963.
Rosecraft issue specific envelopes used as publicity FDCs
ii) Rosecraft Generic Parliament Buildings Cachet : 1964 -1965
The Rosecraft generic Parliament buildings envelopes were used for 16 issues from 1964 to 1965, beginning with the Maple Leaf Unity Issue, May 14, 1964
The cachet for most issues was black, but red, blue and green cachets were also used.
c) Bilingual Canada Post Office Crossed Flags Cachet : 1965 - 1966
A new Canada Post Office first day cover envelope featuring Canada's Coat of Arms above two crossed Canadian flags was printed and used to publicize the the Christmas stamp issue, October 13, 1965. The crossed flags envelope was used for all 1966 Publicity FDCs.
Letters describing the stamp issue were inserted in the FDCs. The inserts were translated into about a dozen different languages, including Spanish which was used in the Girl Guides FDC insert addressed to Cuba :
Distinctive printed addresses were applied to publicity FDCs and can therefore be used to distinguish publicity FDCs from replacement FDCs as well as identify Post Office publicity Rosecraft envelopes.
(I have relied on Mr. Charles Verge's article in the October 2010 Scott Stamp Monthly Article, Canada's special publicity first-day covers designed for influential people abroad for this section.)
a) Block & Anderson Bandarette Address Labels : 1960 - 1963
The Block and Anderson labels were printed in purple ink with letters at the upper right of the address indicating the language for the insert.
POL indicates that the addressee is to receive the publicity letter translated into Polish
b) Addressograph Address Machine : From 1964
In March, 1964, an addressograph machine was introduced to produce a more permanent addressing system. The labels were printed in black ink.
Wikepedia provides this description of the addressograph machine:
An addressograph machine of the 1960s was essentially a steel frame with an integrated keyboard for stamping out address plates, a cassette-style plate feeder, a heavy-duty, rapidly moving inked ribbon, a platten for hand-feeding the mail piece, and a foot pedal for stamping the address. The individual steel address plates were inserted into card-sized frames which had a series of slots along the top where colored metal flags could also be inserted for sorting purposes. The plate assemblies were placed in steel cassettes resembling library card catalogue drawers, which were manually inserted into the machine. At the press of the foot pedal the plate assemblies were swapped in sequence in a similar fashion to a slide projector, placing an impression of the raised type onto the mail piece.
1960 -1966 Canada Post Office Publicity First Day Covers
Girl Guides
April 20, 1960 to Havana, Cuba
Dollard des Ormeaux
May 19, 1960 to Johannesburg, South Africa
Northern Development
The envelope for the Northern Development Publicity FDC shown above was from an earlier "P.S. 2" printing, April 24, 1957.
E. Pauline Johnson
March 10, 1961 to Katowice, Poland
April 19, 1961 to Belgium
The publicity mailing for the Colombo Plan stamp was the only one sent by aerogramme.
June 28, 1961 to Kuala Lumpur, Malaya
October 12, 1961 to Johannesburg, South Africa
February 28, 1962 to Kingston, Jamaica
May 3, 1962 to Katowice, Poland
June 13, 1962 to Kingston, Jamaica
The envelope used for the Talon stamp is the first "P.S. 2-16-2-62" printing Publicity FDC .

August 31, 1962 to Katowice, Poland
October 2, 1962 to Brussels, Belgium
1 cent and 4 cent Definitive Stamps
February 4, 1963 to Johannesburg, South Africa
Sir Casimir Gzowski
March 5, 1963 to Lisbon, Portugal
2 cent and 4 cent Definitive Stamps
May 2, 1963 to Dortmund, Germany
$1.00 Definitive Stamp
June 14, 1963 to Kingston, Jamaica
To Katowice, Poland
To Johannesburg, South Africa
Sir Martin Frobisher
August 21, 1963 to Katiwice, Poland
First Postal Land Route
September 25, 1963 to Johanessburg, South Africa
15 cent Definitve Stamp
October 30, 1963 to Johannesburg, South Africa
7 cents Definitive Stamp
March 11, 1964 to Katowice, Poland
Peace on Earth
April 8, 1964 to St. Thomas, Jamaica
Maple Leaf Unity
May 14, 1964 to Brazzaville, Congo
Floral Emblem Series : Ontario and Quebec
June 30 , 1964 to Brazzaville, Congo
Charlottetown Conference
July 29, 1964 to Canadian Ambassador, Tokyo Japan
Quebec Conference
September 9, 1964
Royal Visit 1864
October 5, 1964 to Johannesburg, South Africa
Christmas 1964
October 14, 1964
8 cent Definitve Stamp
November 18, 1964 to Johannesburg
Floral Emblem : Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
February 3, 1965 to Lisbon, Portugal
International Co-operation Year
March 3, 1965 to Kingston, Jamaica
April 18, 1965 to Lisbon, Portugal
Sir Wilfred Grenfell
June 9, 1965 to Kingston, Jamaica
Canadian Flag
June 30, 1965 to Kingston, Jamaica
Floral Emblem Series : Prince Edward Island
July 21, 1965 to Lisbon, Portugal
Sir Winston Churchill
September 8, 1965 to Kingston, Jamaica
Ottawa National Capital Centennial
September 8, 1965 to Tokyo, Japan
Christmas 1965
October 13, 1965 to Brussels, Belgium
Alouette II
January 5, 1966 to Brussels, Belgium
Floral Emblem Series : Saskatchewan and Alberta
January 19, 1966 to Kingston, Jamaica
Floral Emblem Series : Newfoundland

February 23, 1966 to Johannesburg, South Africa
Floral Emblem Series : Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories
March 23, 1966 to Lisbon, Portugal
Cavelier de la Salle
April 13, 1966 to Lisbon, Portugal
London Conference
May 26, 1966 to Lisbon, Portugal
Highway Safety
May 2, 1966 to Brussels, Belgium
Floral Emblem Series : Canada

June 30, 1966 to Brussels, Blegium
Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy
July 27, 1966 to Brussels, Belgium
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conference
September 8, 1966 to Brussels, Belgium
Christmas 1966
October 12, 1966 to Brussels, Belgium