The post card rate was 20 cents, the same as the 1st weight step letter rate.
1st Weight Step Letter
Ville-de-Laval to Niederschach, Germany, November 26, 1976
20 cents international letter rate
Weston to London, February 3, 1976
20 cents international letter rate
Lindsay to Berlin, DDR, July 3, 1976
20 cents international rate
20 cents international letter rate
Weston to London, February 3, 1976
20 cents international letter rate
Lindsay to Berlin, DDR, July 3, 1976
20 cents international rate
Sometimes a sender does not know what the correct rate is or simply chooses to affix more stamps than required. The next letter mailed from Toronto to Germany on November 9, 1976 may be an example of a correctly franked letter or an incorrectly overpaid letter. The sender (Bernd Jerger) was a visitor to Canada writing on Royal York Hotel (Toronto) stationery and affixed a complete pane of the 50 cent caricature booklet pane (in two parts) on the envelope.
Toronto to Niederschach, Germany, November 9, 1976
50 cents was the correct franking for the 3rd weight step, i.e. greater than 2 oz. and less than 4 oz. The manner in which the envelope was opened suggests that the contents were thick enough to account for 3rd weight step franking, and even if it is an overpayment it is a nice example of a complete 50 cent booklet pane on cover, albeit in two parts.
50 cent booklet pane
Stamps affixed to the cover
Insufficiently Paid
The Vienna system of taxing unpaid or underpaid international mail, in place since 1966, was revised at the 17th Universal Postal Union Conference held in 1974 at Lausanne, Switzerland. The taxation change came into effect on January 1, 1976.
The country of origin's T fraction was changed to SINGLE the amount of the underpayment over the country of origin's international letter rate. The country of delivery still multiplied the fraction by its international letter rate but added a HANDLING CHARGE of 60 gold centimes* at most or the charges prescribed by internal legislation. [Article 21 (f) UPU Regulations]
Great Britain Charge
CFPO 5001 Cyprus to Borden, October 6, 1976
Insufficiently Paid
The Vienna system of taxing unpaid or underpaid international mail, in place since 1966, was revised at the 17th Universal Postal Union Conference held in 1974 at Lausanne, Switzerland. The taxation change came into effect on January 1, 1976.
The country of origin's T fraction was changed to SINGLE the amount of the underpayment over the country of origin's international letter rate. The country of delivery still multiplied the fraction by its international letter rate but added a HANDLING CHARGE of 60 gold centimes* at most or the charges prescribed by internal legislation. [Article 21 (f) UPU Regulations]
Bridgewater to Birmingham, February 24, 1976
20 cents letter rate (Shortpaid 4 cents)
Canadian Tax Fraction : 4/20
British Charge : 13p
Canada Tax FractionGreat Britain Charge
Military Mail
The letter rate from Canadian forces stationed overseas was 20 cents. The cover below was mailed from CFPO 5001 Cyprus to CFB Borden, October 6, 1976. The sender was Javier Perez de Cuellar, United Nations Representative of the Secretary General. De Cuellar went on to become UN Secretary-General from 1982 to 1991.