Centennial Definitive Booklets:
1967 -1968
This post looks at the stamp booklets printed during the 5 cent domestic forward letter rate period. Five booklets were issued in that period.
Canadian Bank Note Company (CBN) Booklets
CBN had the contract to print the booklets when the Centennial definitives were first issued and printed two different 25 cent booklets.
1. 25 cents : 1 cent and 4 cent stamps
The booklet contained one pane of five 1 cent stamps and one pane of five 4 cent stamps, perforated 11.8 and issued in February, 1967.
The 1 cent CBN booklet stamps have a straight edge and may be attached to an advertising label.
CBN booklet stamps on post card mailed from Georgetown to Portland, Ore., October 17, 1967
4 cents surface post card rate to the US
Positive identification of the 4 cent CBN booklet stamp on cover is a bit more difficult because the 4 cent Miniature Pane is also perforated 11.8 and has straight edges. A pair of the stamps or a stamp attached to the advertising label would be required for positive identification if the 1 cent booklet stamp is not on the same cover.
4 cent CBN booklet stamp attached to advertising label
Toronto to Brighton, June 23,1968
Covers with both the 4 cent and 1 cent straight edged stamps, perforated 11.8, are probably from the CBN booklet.
1 cent and 4 cent booklet stamps
Calgary to Rochester, August 26, 1968
St. Joachim-de- Shefford to Grebin, Germany, December 16, 1968
15 cents air mail letter rate to Europe
2. 25 cents Booklet : 5 cents
This booklet contained one pane of five 5 cent stamps, perforated 11.8., and issued in March, 1967.
Positive identification of the 5 cent CBN booklet stamp is possible if there is a pair of stamps or if the stamp is attached to the advertising label, since the 5 cent Miniature pane also perforated 11.8 has straight edges on all sides.
The stamp on the cover shown below cannot be positively identified as a CBN booklet stamp.
Strathcona, N.S., to Barrie, September 23, 1967
5 cents domestic forward letter rate
Lower right corner stamp
British American Bank Note Company (BABN) Booklets
In 1967, BABN was awarded the contract to print booklets, replacing CBN. BABN purchased a new printing machine, a Goebel press, which could print booklets of multi-coloured stamps in one operation. BABN tested the new press by printing test booklets using a design referred to as the "Baby Sisters":
3. 25 cent Booklet : 1 cent/4c se-tenant
This booklet consisted of a single pane of 1 cent and 4 cent stamps, perforated 10. There were five rows of se-tenant 1 cent and 4 cents stamps, with the 1 cent and 4 cent denominations on the left and right sides of the pane respectively. The booklet appeared in September, 1968.
Row 1 se-tenant pair
Ottawa, October 30, 1968
Row 2. 3. or 4 se-tenant pair
Ottawa, February 2, 1969
Row 2, 3, or 4 se-tenant pair
Row 5 se-tenant pair
Verona to Cornwall, January 2, 1969
Row 5 se-tenant pair
4. $1.00 - 4 cents
The 4 cent $1.00 booklet consisted of one pane of twenty-five 4 cent stamps, perforated 10. This booklet appeared in June, 1968.
Jasper Park Lodge to Florence, Mass., June 21, 1968
4 cents surface post card rate to the US
The 4 cent BABN booklet stamp was perforated 10, without a straight edge
5. $1.00 - 5 cents
This booklet consisted of a single pane of twenty 5 cent stamps, perforated 10, straight edges on both sides and the bottom. The booklet appeared in April, 1968.
5 cent BABN booklet single, November 1, 1968
Perforated 10
"Extended Lobster Trap" variety